Keisuke Kishi

“ HAKKO × Rebirth ”

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2015Excellence Award


HAKKO × Rebirth

All that reaches the eye are shadows of the sun,
If we accept that life does not give forth light of its own.
We invest our emotions in a light
That gradually vanishes as it wanders through darkness.

Entries form: Book (254 x 305 mm) with 48 prints on inkjet paper (thick Baryta paper)

Selecting judge: Rika Noguchi

These are simple, yet powerful, works. I kept looking back at the files trying to find the secret to their strength. I sense the artist fashioned the works in his own language. It left me wondering what he will create next. I definitely want to watch where this artist will go next.



Keisuke Kishi

Born in Kanagawa Prefecture in 1979
Left the Faculty of Policy Studies, Chuo University
Joined a band that toured nationally and released a number of CDs
Studied photography at the bar “April Fool”
Selected for the 8th 1_Wall competition (photography)
Presently active as a freelance photographer


2015Excellence Award

Keisuke Kishi

HAKKO × Rebirth
