Masaya Iwasaki

“ 290 tears ”

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1992Excellence Award


290 tears

This work passed from my hands to the hands of the person looking at it from hand to hand. If possible, I would like to hand it to more people in the form of something like a book. I look at photography in books and rarely go to galleries. I can't seem to relax looking at photos in galleries, and get kind of nervous, but from now I would like to create works with display and ambience in mind. To be recognized for photography is a genuine honor. I feel like the chip on my shoulder has been lifted. I feel free.

Selecting judge: Kotaro Iizawa

His technique and artistic touch in weaving each image like a tapestry is great. Looking at it, it's like a private movie and feels good.I can sense his motivation to carefully create his own world, but I also have the impression that it's still a little weak. I chose this in appreciation of the high-quality finish, but I look forward to something bigger next time.


1992Excellence Award

Masaya Iwasaki

290 tears
