Hidefumi Kurose

“ A Special Day ”

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1996Excellence Award


A Special Day

During summer this year, I roamed the city by myself and took photographs. During that time, I met Misato, Koji, and Yosuke. They ran around with light footsteps in front of my eyes, with light perspiration gleaming on their skin, tanned from the summer light. Their hair, flowing in the light afternoon breeze, the touch of their small soft hands, their carefree laughter, everything captivated me. By spending time and watching them, I tried to discover something. I think my encounter with them was something encouraging for me. Lastly, thank you Misato, Koji, and Yosuke, for cooperating with my photography.

Selecting judge: Kotaro Iizawa

These children are really something. Lately, you don't see too many outdoor kids like this who smile this innocently. I thought children's faces had changed quite a bit, but looking at this, the nostalgic original Japanese face must still be around. Also, the photography technique is straightforward, which feels good. Rather than visiting a number of times to create depth, doing this in one day in an all-or-nothing effort created a feeling of speed, which was successful in this case. I can't help being reminded of Nobuyoshi Araki's masterpiece “Satchin,” but a strangely shady touch of indecency is hovering in general (there's a slight child pornographic sense of danger), giving it a mysterious that is impact that is different from “Satchin.” I hope he will maintain this energetic feel and attempt other subject matters also.


1996Excellence Award

Hidefumi Kurose

A Special Day
