Naoki Kajitani


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2002Excellence Award



My studios are Kyoto where I live, Osaka where my office is located and the neighboring towns. While visiting them regularly, I thought of creating something out of what I felt and what I encountered. That's why I began to take pictures. I use a digital camera. Unlike a traditional camera, it is convenient because I can see what I took right away and I can press the shutter without much commitment. In fact, it can provide equal quality to that of a film camera, and at the same time, it has a peculiar digital quality that attracted me. As far as it is interesting, it is in. At the beginning, I was not sure about many things, for example, how I should look at the scenery and what the meaning of my pictures was. After a long deliberation, I reachedthe conclusion ”Press the shutter before you think, and photograph whatever you want to.“ Now I can say that it was not a special discovery, but at that time, I felt I had finally found a gleam of hope or a great breakthrough. The parts and fragments of scenery that are now visible to me through that enlightenment, even if they are considered insignificant, are stimulating enough to make my heart beat faster. The pictures are the result of my urge to photograph and my interest in the subjects. I am thinking of expanding the area of my studio as I continue looking for new attractive scenery. I want to photograph much more to my heart's content, and look forward to seeing the results.

Selecting judge: Daido Moriyama

The pictures give me the impression that I am looking at a thin and light studio set. This work is positioned between graphics and fiction. The letters are designed and there is no borderline between reality and fiction. It is easy to describe it in words, but it is actually not easy to produce it. He has done it relatively easily. He has discovered the charm of color pictures and colors of the times from things that are cheap, pop, and indescribably flaky. His personal characteristics seem to be reflected in the way he has done it. This is my favorite work.


2002Excellence Award

Naoki Kajitani

