Tetsuya Hayashiguchi + Kohei Matsumura

“internet images”

  • イメージ
  • イメージ
  • イメージ

2005Excellence Award


internet images

With the Internet, we can now look at all kinds of images in an instant - including a vast number of pornographic images. What fascinated us is how similar these vast number of pornographic images are to one another and how they nonetheless continue to grow in number.
To create the internet images series we downloaded hundreds of pornographic pictures from the Internet and then selected groups of 54 that fit our theme. We then used digital processing to obscure and otherwise alter the images. Internet images as a whole can be viewed as a single image. At the same time, grids laid over the pictures make it possible to discern the 54 individual pictures. The contours of adjacent photos are blurred and the images seem to melt into one another. The ordered grid imposes white space around the images, which makes it seem as if they expand beyond the boundaries of the image. Finally, a crucial aspect of this work is that when looking at it the viewer has the sensation of looking at something specific but yet is unable to make out exactly what that object is.

Entries form: Inkjet print, 1 (1,778mm x 2,464mm)

Selecting judge: Kotaro Iizawa

This is a constructed piece whose raw material is adult pictures taken from the Internet. I get the impression that they are still wrestling with their concept, that the approach that inspired these pieces is full of potential. For example, the approach could be used to create a kind of documentary within the digital era. Also, I'd like to see them use every means at their disposal to develop pieces that employ a variety of different approaches. Perhaps an approach that makes it a little more evident that these are adult pictures might work as well.



Tetsuya Hayashiguchi + Kohei Matsumura

Tetsuya Higashiguchi

1981Born in Kanagawa Prefecture.
2004Graduated from Kyoto Institute of Technology.
2006Completed Masters at Kyoto Institute of Technology.

Kohei Matsumura

1980Born in Osaka.
2005Graduated from Kyoto Institute of Technology.
2005Received Graz Art Project BIX Media Competition Outstanding Achievement Award.

2005Excellence Award

Tetsuya Hayashiguchi + Kohei Matsumura

internet images
