“ Vamonos! ”

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2015Excellence Award



While navigating in her own special way the gap between the adult world and childlike innocence, this girl is always running after the retreating figure of her mum. She has had a tempestuous upbringing, marked by occasional outlandish appearances of mother and daughter as if they were sisters. I met this unique pair precisely at the time when I, too, was puzzled by the interval between childhood and adulthood. I never tire of these two continuously changing as they recite the phrase “let’s go two.”

Entries form: Book (A4) with 30 prints on Crispia high-gloss photo paper

Selecting judge: Natsumi Araki

The impact of these photos immediately drew me in. The photos depict a mother and daughter, but the punky, delinquent mum is utterly unlike the neat image of a mother that society holds up as a model. Where the mum carries a sort of dangerous countenance, her daughter is the epitome of liveliness, with an unflappable air about her. The photos convincingly demonstrate these two people are a perfect pair, an excellent combination. You feel the deep love and affection between them and are captivated by their palpable bond and relationship, even though they appear slightly out of sync with society's so-called standards.




1991: Born in Osaka
graduate of Osaka Seijo High School
2010: Studied under Haruhisa Yamaguchi
2010: Studied under Haruhisa Yamaguchi
Finished second in the National High School Photo Championship Series
2011: Finished first in the National High School Photo Championship Series
2015: Presently active as a photographer

2015Excellence Award


