2018Excellence Award
Entries form: 585 A4 printed photos placed in a file folder
This file folder left a powerful impression with the overwhelming number and quality of its daily collections. Its outward appearance is like a specimen book crammed to overflowing with tiny prints, yet the conspicuous homogeneity of each photo and the initial image of disorder are actually cohesive without feeling out of place, appearing like a single cluster of everyday collections. The artist said he didn't act when taking these photos, but that is words to embody how photographs are composed outside the consciousness of the maker. I sensed the absence of indecision and desire cast off in the midst of work made habitual.
Born in 1989
2011 Muito no Byousha at the Yarimizu Youth Museum of Art
2016 “seasidepoolside” at Inage Seaside Park
2018Excellence Award