Tamaki Yoshida

“ Sympathetic Resonance ”

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2019Excellence Award


Sympathetic Resonance

Posing the question “what is energy?”, I try to capture the shape and form of energy through a variety of expressions.
For this work, I used a thermographic camera to capture the shape of living creatures for some of the photos.
A thermographic camera detects and forms images from heat. The heat images change due to the subject's actions and emotions. I used a thermographic camera because I believe seeing these creatures in an aspect different from what we normally perceive provides us with insights into their lives.
And in this project, I paid attention to the motion within motion, the motion within stillness, and the contrary breathing of the subject. The project is an attempt to discover, within the idiosyncrasies of photography, a phenomenon that transcends reality –Â�i.e., spaces created using the forms of the living creatures and the effect of light captured through thermography. It is my attempt to express the wonder and intrigue of our world.

Entries form: Twenty-four prints (381 x 508 mm), Video (04:10)

Selecting judge: Noi Sawaragi

The moment I saw the prints, I was struck by a wild, savage impression inexpressible in words. The dynamic power of the work that slices through the world of photos captivated me.

The video imbues the primordial strength animals need to survive in the natural world. Moreover, the two modalities of expression complement each other on an elemental level, engendering an even more powerful expression. The relationship between the prints and the video is of equal importance, in my view, and the composition that favors neither is the key to this exhibit.



Tamaki Yoshida

After studying photography at the Visual Arts College, Osaka, She worked at a Roppongi studio and learned hands-on photography.
After this, She began working as a commercial photographer.


2019Excellence Award

Tamaki Yoshida

Sympathetic Resonance
