Yoshiyuki Okuyama

“ Girl ”

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2011Excellence Award



Colors and sounds, scents, and temperatures.
Tranquility, dryness, sadness, shivers. Light and shade.
This is a record of a chain of mental images and emotions that passes through our dreams as we sleep.

I can remember, but cannot see.
But, I’m pretty sure this is how they felt.

Photographer’s statement

They say that while people are sleeping they sort through all the information they acquire in their daily life—colors and sounds, scents and temperatures. Delight and sorrow, tranquility and impatience. The person you met once upon a time, the vista you saw once upon a time. Information deemed necessary is kept; information deemed unimportant is discarded. When we remember this sorting process, we call it a dream. Dreams fade at a rapid rate from the instant we open our eyes and develop as if they were distant, old memories. This collection is the photographic output of such a series of mental images and emotional memories.

This is a record of memories I can remember but cannot see.
But, I’m pretty sure this is how they felt.

Entries form: Book, 254 mm x 306 mm, 33 prints, inkjet prints

Selecting judge: HIROMIX

The sweet, loving atmosphere, like a shojo manga or an old film, is fantastic. The portrayal of the curtain and the backlit scenes are romantic too. I especially like the rough feel that gives a certain timeless quality. Many of the entries in this year’s contest were overproduced, but these feel like real photographs. It’s as if he’s meeting his photos head on. Among the many dark works this year, this work is remarkable for its brightness and positivity. It appears he intentionally avoided clear shots of faces, but I would love to see his portraits of people.



Yoshiyuki Okuyama

Photographer / Film Director

Published books including “BACON ICE CREAM” “Girl” and “THE NEW STORY”
2011 Received an Excellence Award at the 34th New Cosmos of Photography (selected by HIROMIX)
Received “The 47th Photography Prize” by Kodansha Ltd.


2011Excellence Award

Yoshiyuki Okuyama

