Lithography equipment is a semiconductor
exposure system. It uses light and lenses to draw pictures.
Light enters a camera lens and strikes the film. Then a chemical change occurs and draws a picture on the film. This lithography equipment exposure system is how film photography works.Note: Site illustration is simplified for easy understanding.

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Now, let’s shine ultraviolet (UV) light through a number of lenses onto a “substrate” board. This is coated with a special resin that changes in contact with UV light. Exposure occurs, creating a pattern like a shadow picture.


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Patterns called “semiconductor circuits” are made by “semiconductor lithography equipment.” These circuits are key parts of products such as smartphones, TVs, and PCs. Semiconductor lithography equipment uses light and lenses to make many popular devices.

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lithography equipment
You’ll find exposure systems in many familiar devices. Like film cameras, digital cameras use a similar exposure method — but capture light with a sensor instead of film. Light passing through a camera lens reaches the sensor and exposes it. That’s how digital pictures are taken.

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Turn on a flashlight in the dark. As the light enters the camera, only its round shape appears in the image when you take a picture.

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Move this light around and take a photo while the camera shutter is open. You can draw letters and pictures with the moving light.

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