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  • 2022

    • EOS R3iF Product Design Awards, iF Design AwardsGrand Award, DFA Design for Asia Awards

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    • EOS R7Good Design Award

      Evaluation by the jury committee:
      The designers' remarkable sense of form is felt in their attempt to express the strength of the camera's iconic existence by wrapping its body in smooth, continuous ridges, while further pursuing the rationality and beauty of a three-dimensional curved surface as an extension of the user interface. Being the first APS-C sensor model among RF-mount cameras, its compact body features an attractive design that is pleasingly “condensed” while well maintaining the familiar feel and maneuverability of previous models. The fused sub-electronic dials and multi-controller add a functional flourish to the back of the camera along with improved usability.

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    • PowerShot PICKiF Product Design Awards, iF Design Awards

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    • camcorder

      XF605Good Design Award

      Evaluation by the jury committee:
      The high level of perfection as a video camera, which Canon has cultivated over its long history, has been further developed. What's more, the camera achieves a significant reduction in size and weight from its predecessor. The reduction in size and weight is not simply an effort by Canon to out-spec its competitors—it is a highly appreciated factor that greatly expands the range of options for operators of all kinds in the fields of program production and video recording, where minimal and even single-operator shooting has become commonplace.

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    • EOS C70iF Product Design Awards, iF Design Awards

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    • lens

      RF100-500mm F4.5-7.1 L IS USMiF Product Design Awards, iF Design Awards

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    • lens

      RF100mm F2.8 L MACRO IS USMGood Design Award

      Evaluation by the jury committee:
      The lens, with its satisfying knurled grips, overall balance and clear labelling, evokes a sense of outstanding intricacy and precision. This macro lens surprised and astounded the world with top-quality image stabilization, a maximum shooting magnification of 1.4 x and its extremely unique SA control ring for adjusting bokeh. It also demonstrates new possibilities for lens design by making possible various types of bokeh, overturning the conventional perception that a single lens can only achieve one characteristic type of bokeh.

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    • lens

      RF1200mm F8 L IS USMGood Design Award

      Evaluation by the jury committee:
      This mirrorless 1200mm super-telephoto lens upends the conventional notion that telephoto lenses are heavy, long and expensive. Based on the optical design of existing telephoto lens, it has achieved an ultra-light weight of just under 3.4 kg, 1/5 of the weight of a conventional 1200mm lens, as well as a reduction in length of about 30 cm. In addition, both its greatly expanded shooting range, and the fact that its affordable price is contributes to growing the potential customer base, were also highly appreciated.

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  • 2023

    • EOS R7iF Product Design Awards, iF Design Awards

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    • EOS R50Good Design Award

      Evaluation by the jury committee:
      The R50 fully inherits the EOS Kiss's concept of "easy operation, gorgeous images and a compact body." Despite the soft, casual appearance of its exterior, the feel of firmness in the user's hand when shooting and the body, featuring a wide RF mount that signifies a full-fledged camera, will surely give users the confidence to take high-quality photos and videos. The perfection of this product makes us want the younger generation, who only take pictures with smartphones, to physically try it out in order to understand the intrinsic appeal of using a camera to enjoy taking pictures with a viewfinder.

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    • PowerShot V10Good Design Award

      Evaluation by the jury committee:
      The product's vertical design is meant to allow for unobtrusive, stable shooting while out and about regardless of which hand you grab it with. The large-diameter microphones on the top of the product feature details that suggest high sound quality. The sturdiness of the folding mechanism of the built-in stand and LCD also gives a sense of reliability. It's also worth noting that its user interface is friendly and easy to understand, making it easy to stream Vlogs and other videos. Just as compact digital cameras were once widely used in everyday photography, this product may become a dominant Vlog camera in the field of video content production and distribution.

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    • XF605iF Product Design Awards, iF Design Awards

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    • RF100-300mm F2.8 L IS USMGood Design Award

      Evaluation by the jury committee:
      Canon has created another well-coveted 300-2.8 lens with its traditional white leather-tone finish. In addition to weight reduction, the focal length, which has been widened to 100 mm, gives the lens better mobility and more freedom of framing; its specifications have been greatly improved. We don't need to mention it again, but we can't help but admire the exquisiteness of every detail: the proportion of white and black, the beautiful roundness of the ridges where the lens diameter changes, and the position and shape of the function buttons placed on the front part of the lens barrel. The positive attributes of this lens are too numerous to list them all. The product's performance, reliability, and design are all clearly rooted in Canon's philosophy.

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    • RF100mm F2.8 L MACRO IS USMiF Product Design Awards, iF Design Awards

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    • RF5.2mm F2.8 L DUAL FISHEYEiF Product Design Awards, iF Design AwardsBronze Award, DFA Design for Asia Awards

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    • FLEX ZOOM LENS SeriesGood Design Award

      Evaluation by the jury committee:
      These are two models of cinema zoom lenses whose matte black lens barrels, which convey a sense of precision, are adorned with symbolic bright red rings. They should be highly evaluated for providing solutions to issues involving shooting locations due to diversified shooting styles and equipment rental conditions. These lenses have the same gear diameter and position for both wide-angle and telephoto settings, and are compatible with multiple sensors and lens mounts. These points are regarded as important advancements in design and product from a hardware perspective, but they have also played a significant role in the industry as versatile components of a photo shooting system. We highly respect not only the beautiful design that matches the design concept, function, and brand identity, but also the efforts that brought about the outstanding design.

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