Corporate Governance
Approach/Promotion System
Fundamental Policy
In order to establish a sound corporate governance structure and continuously raise corporate value, Canon Inc. believes that it is essential to improve management transparency and strengthen management supervising functions. At the same time, a sense of ethics and mission held by each executive and employee of a company is very important in order to achieve continuous corporate growth and development.
An Overview of Corporate Governance at Canon Inc.
Governance Structure
Basic Views
Canon Inc. is globally expanding its businesses in various business fields, including printing, medical, imaging, and industrial, and aims to aggressively expand into newbusiness fields in the future. In order to make prompt decisions in each business field, and make important decisions for the entire Canon Group or matters that straddle several business fields from a company-wide perspective and at the same time secure appropriate decision making and execution of operation, Canon Inc. judges the corporate governance structure below to be effective.
Year | Item |
2010 |
2014 |
2015 |
2016 |
2024 |

- * On April 1, 2024, Canon established the Sustainability Committee to share information and conduct preliminary deliberations with the aim of ensuring appropriate and effective judgment by the CEO or Board of Directors regarding the sustainability-related matters that the Canon Group should respond to or address.
Board of Directors
While the focus of the organizational structure of the Board of Directors is on Representative Directors that oversee company-wide business strategies or execution such as the CEO, COO, CFO, CTO, and Representative Directors or Executive Directors that oversee multiple business fields or headquarters functions, at least two Independent Outside Directors are appointed while also assuring that they account for one third or more of the total number of Directors, in order to secure sound management. The Board of Directors, in accordance with laws and regulations, makes important decisions and supervises the execution of duties. Except for the above, the CEO and other Representative Directors are active in decision making and execution, and under the command and supervision of the Representative Directors, Executive Officers that are elected through resolution of the Board of Directors make decisions and execute operations of each business field or function. The Board of Directors consists of ten members, six internal Directors including three Representative Directors and four Independent Outside Directors.
Audit & Supervisory Board
As a body which is in charge of the audit of operations, under the principles of autonomy, which is independent from the Board of Directors, Canon Inc. has full-time Audit & Supervisory Board Members that are familiar with Canon Inc.’s businesses or its management structure, and Independent Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members that have extensive knowledge in specialized areas such as law, finance and accounting, and internal control. The Audit & Supervisory Board, which is composed of these individuals, cooperates with Canon Inc.’s Accounting Auditors and internal audit division, oversees the status of duty execution of operations and corporate assets to secure the soundness of management. There are five Audit & Supervisory Board Members of which three are Independent Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members. In accordance with auditing policies and plans decided at Audit & Supervisory Board meetings, the Audit & Supervisory Board Members attend Board of Directors’ meetings and other internal important gatherings such as Corporate Strategy Committee meetings. They are also able to listen to reports from Directors and employees, review documents related to important decisions, and conduct audits by investigating, etc., the situation of businesses and property of Canon Inc. and its subsidiaries. Additionally, the Office of Audit & Supervisory Board Members is independent from the control of the Directors, etc., and it has a dedicated staff. The Audit & Supervisory Board Members can order headquarters management and other operations to conduct investigations in cases of necessity. In this way, the Audit & Supervisory Board plays a role in monitoring management, conducting strict audits of Directors’ execution of duty, including the status of development of the internal control system. Furthermore, the Audit & Supervisory Board Members cooperate closely with the Accounting Auditors and Canon Inc.’s internal auditing arm, and such cooperation services to improve each monitoring function.
Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Canon Inc. established the “Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee,” a non-statutory committee, which consists of the CFO, four Independent Outside Directors and one Independent Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member. At the time, Director and Audit & Supervisory Board Member candidates are nominated and Executive Officers are appointed, including the selection of a successor for the chief executive officer position, the CEO recommends candidates thereof from among individuals that have been recognized as having met the prescribed requirements, and the Committee checks the fairness and validity of such recommendation prior to submission to and deliberation by the Board of Directors.
In particular, with regard to chief executive officer candidates, it is the CEO’s responsibility to select and train candidates through an executive training system and a mechanism for accumulating management experience, including the transfer of persons who have been selected as Executive Officers and involvement in company-wide projects. And the process is confirmed by the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee. Additionally, as for Audit & Supervisory Board Member candidates, prior to deliberation of the Board of Directors, consent of the Audit & Supervisory Board shall be acquired.
With the aim of ensuring the transparency and objectivity of the remuneration decision-making process as well as the validity of the remuneration system, the Committee, after examining the rationale of the remuneration system, including calculation standards of the basic remuneration, the bonus and the granting standards of stock-type compensation stock option plan, reports to the Board of Directors to the effect that the system is reasonable.
Corporate Strategy Committee
Canon Inc. established the Corporate Strategy Committee, consisting of Directors, including Independent Outside Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board Members, and some Executive Officers. Among items to be decided by the CEO, the Committee undertakes prior deliberations on important matters pertaining to Canon Group strategies.
Sustainability Committee
On April 1, 2024, Canon established the Sustainability Committee to share information and conduct preliminary deliberations with the aim of ensuring appropriate and effective judgment by the CEO or Board of Directors regarding the sustainability-related matters that the Canon Group should respond to or address.
Risk Management Committee
Based on a resolution passed by the Board of Directors, Canon Inc. set up the Risk Management Committee, which formulates policy and action proposals regarding improvement of the Canon Group risk management system. The Risk Management Committee consists of three entities: the Financial Risk Management Subcommittee, which is tasked with improving systems to ensure reliability of financial reporting; the Compliance Subcommittee, which is tasked with promoting corporate ethics and improving legal compliance systems; and the Business Risk Management Subcommittee, which is charged with improving systems to manage overall business risks, including risks related to product quality and information leak. The Risk Management Committee verifies the risk management system’s improvement and implementation and reports the status to the CEO and the Board of Directors.
Disclosure Committee
The Disclosure Committee was established to undertake deliberations pertaining to information disclosure, including content and timing, to ensure important corporate information will be disclosed in a timely and accurate manner.
Corporate Audit Center (Internal Audit Division)
Canon Inc. has established the Corporate Audit Center as its internal auditing division, which audits, evaluates, and makes recommendations on compliance and internal control systems, etc. The Corporate Audit Center also conducts audits on topics such as quality, and safety & health. Audit results are reported not only to the CEO and CFO, but also to the Audit & Supervisory Board Members and the Audit & Supervisory Board. In addition, Canon Inc. has established a system in which reports are also regularly given to Outside Directors and those Outside Directors can request submission of proposals to the Board of Directors, as necessary.
Board of Directors Structure
Board Policies in the Appointment of Senior Management and the Nomination of Director and Candidates
Director and Audit & Supervisory Board Member candidates and Executive Officers are people that have the ability to fairly and effectively execute duties and, in principle, are selected from people that have met the following requirements, regardless of personal attributes such as gender, nationality, age, etc.
Requirements of Director Candidates
Representative Directors and Executive Directors |
Have a true understanding of the corporate philosophy and code of conduct of the company. At the same time, have broad familiarity with the company’s businesses and operations, gained through, for example, Executive Officer experience. Have the ability to make effective decisions that overlook multiple businesses and functions. In addition to this, the CEO shall be a person with the ability to lead the Canon Group, having, in particular,a wealth of knowledge and skill related to management and a clear vision and a strong sense of responsibility. |
Independent Outside Directors | In addition to meeting the independence standard that is separately determined by the Board of Directors, have an abundance of experience and superior insight into fields such as business management, risk management, law, and economics. |
Skills of Board of Directors
Canon Inc. operates businesses globally with very different market environments. As a whole, the Board of Directors, which oversees important decision-making and execution, needs to possess skills in the following seven areas.
- * The table below indicates up to five areas in which we expect each person to particularly demonstrate their skills. It does not represent the entirety of each person’s experience, knowledge, or skills.
Directors | Directors Skills to be Possessed by the Board of Directors Overall | ||||||
Corporate Management | Global | Business Experience | Technology and Development | Finance and Accounting | Risk Management | ESG | |
As a senior level executive of a listed company that does business globally, and the like Global awareness | Global mindset and experience obtained through working overseas, global marketing, etc. | Business management skills in the Company’s business domain | Knowledge and R&D experience in the Company’s core competence technologies | Skills as a financial accounting expert, derived from being a financial accounting officer of a listed company, a certified public accountant, etc. | Skills as an expert in risk management, including compliance, and internal control systems | Knowledge and experience in ESG | |
Fujio Mitarai | ● | ● | ● | ● | ● | ||
Toshizo Tanaka | ● | ● | ● | ● | |||
Toshio Homma | ● | ● | ● | ● | |||
Kazuto Ogawa | ● | ● | ● | ● | |||
Hiroaki Takeishi | ● | ● | ● | ● | |||
Minoru Asada | ● | ● | ● | ● | |||
Yusuke Kawamura* | ● | ● | ● | ||||
Masayuki Ikegami* | ● | ● | |||||
Masaki Suzuki* | ● | ● | ● | ||||
Akiko Ito* | ● | ● |
- * Outside
Background and Aims for the Increase of Candidates for Directors
At Canon Inc.’s Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held in March 2024, the number of Directors on its Board of Directors was increased from five to ten. The number of Directors, which was twenty-five at the time the Executive Officer system was introduced in 2008, has been gradually reduced since then to five Directors, consisting of three Directors from within the company and two Outside Directors, the aim of achieving prompt and flexible management. During this period, the company has gradually increased the number of Executive Officers that are in charge of business execution. Now, it has decided to strengthen the functions of the Board of Directors that oversees business execution by increasing the number of Directors, with the aim of strengthening the ability of the board to respond to issues such as the changing business portfolio of the Company, expansion of business scope, and diversification of growth areas, in addition to enhancing the skills and development of the next generation of management. For this purpose, the Company intends to promote new personnel who have made significant achievements in overseas business, advanced technology, and finance from within the Company to Directors and strengthen the execution supervision function of the Board of Directors. The Company’s business spans a wide range from B2B to B2C. In addition, the scope of management issues for the Board of Directors to consider is expanding to include issues such as SDGs, geopolitical risks, economic security, and cyber terrorism. The growing issues for the Board of Directors thus encompasses areas that cannot be examined adequately by personnel selected from within the Company alone, and there is an increasing need to utilize the expertise of outside experts. To address this situation, the Company also plans to increase the number of Outside Directors who provide advice and supervision from an independent standpoint based on a medium- to long-term perspective. As a result, the number of directors will be ten, of which will be four Outside Directors including one female, accounting for more than one third. Managing in a volatile business environment, the Company intends to continue to review the appropriate structure and function of the Board of Directors, including its effectiveness, and will take appropriate steps to make necessary adjustments in accordance with the business environment.
Reasons for Appointment of Outside Directors
In accordance with the Corporate Governance Code of the Financial Instruments Exchange (Principle 4-9) and our “Independence Standards for Independent Outside Officers,” Canon Inc. appoints Outside Directors for the following reasons: Corporate Governance Code (Principle 4.9) and the independence criteria set by securities exchanges in Japan.
Independence Standards for Independent Directors/Audit and Supervisory Board Members of Canon Inc.
Name | Reasons for Appointing | |
Outside Directors | Yusuke Kawamura | Yusuke Kawamura has a wealth of experience as an Outside Director along with capacity as an expert with respect to financial and securities systems as well as strategy for managing financial institutions, given that he worked as a securities company and subsequently served in various positions, including as a university professor, a commissioner of councils of Japan’s Ministry of Finance and Financial Services Agency, and an Executive Counselor of the Japan Securities Dealers Association. Canon Inc. elected him as an Outside Director in hopes that he will furnish particularly useful advice, drawing on his wealth of experience and high level of expertise regarding finance and securities, especially when taking part in discussions on M&A and ESG-related topics from a shareholder and investor perspective. |
Masayuki Ikegami | Masayuki Ikegami has been involved in various matters, including corporate cases, in legal professions over many years, having served in important roles at the High Public Prosecutors Office in both Nagoya and Osaka and as a Justice of the Supreme Court for seven years. The Company has selected him as a candidate for Outside Director in hopes that he can provide insightful opinions and supervision, particularly regarding internal control systems and corporate governance, including from the perspective of ensuring corporate compliance, based on his abundant experience and advanced knowledge. | |
Masaki Suzuki | Masaki Suzuki worked for many years at the Ministry of Finance, before transferring to the Ministry of the Environment, where he held important positions such as Vice-Minister. After retiring from the ministry, he also served as the representative director of a private financial institution. The Company has selected him as a candidate for Outside Director in hopes that he can provide insightful opinions particularly concerning the areas of corporate finance and environment, in addition to opinions and supervision based on his managerial experience at financial institutions which require a high degree of appropriateness and compliance. | |
Akiko Ito | Akiko Ito joined the Ministry of Construction (currently the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) as a technical official, served as its first female Director (Director of Housing Bureau), and was responsible for policies for regional revitalization, including human resource development and job and town development, before becoming Commissioner of the Consumer Affairs Agency. Since retiring from the Consumer Affairs Agency, she has continued to participate in research in related fields, while serving as the Outside Director of a corporation. The Company has selected her as a candidate for Outside Director in hopes that she can provide insightful advice and supervision particularly from the perspective of clients and consumers, as well as advice related to the active promotion of diverse human resources. |
Analyzing and Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Board of Directors
Once a year, a questionnaire survey of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members on the items below is conducted. Based on the result of the questionnaire survey, analysis and evaluations regarding the effectiveness of the entire Board of Directors are carried out at the Board of Directors’ meeting.
- As for the operation of Board of Directors (including the appropriateness of when documents are distributed, how often meetings are held, and the time spend deliberating)
- As for the role (decision making and supervisory function) of the Board of Directors (including the appropriateness of agenda items and agenda criteria of the Board of Directors as well as appropriateness etc. of content that is reported.)
- As for the roles of Outside Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members (including the necessity of training etc. regarding the understanding of company affairs and corporate structure)
As for fiscal year 2023, it was determined that there was no problem with the effectiveness of the Board of Directors due to ongoing measures to stimulate deliberation. These measures include, providing Outside Directors and the Audit & Supervisory Board with prior explanations of meeting agendas, sharing management information with Outside Directors through their attendance of Corporate Strategy Committee and other meetings, and the periodical exchanging of opinions between Outside Directors and the Audit & Supervisory Board. This also reflects the proactive and useful comments made not only by Directors in charge of business execution, but also Outside Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members.
In the future as well, yearly analysis and evaluations will be continued, and an overview of the results will be disclosed. At the same time, when necessary, efforts will be made to, among others, improve the operation of the Board of Directors.
Executive Compensation
The remuneration of Representative Directors and Executive Directors consists of a basic remuneration, a bonus and stock-type compensation stock options as described below.
<Basic Remuneration>
Basic remuneration consists of a fixed amount of monetary remuneration paid monthly as consideration for the performance of duties of Directors. The amount is prescribed according to each Director’s position and the degree to which the Director contributes in this role and the total remuneration amount is within the limit approved at the General Meeting of Shareholders. (Total remuneration amount here refers to the total basic remuneration of all Directors including Outside Directors.)
As a reward for Director service over a one-year term, Directors receive a bonus once a year for which “consolidated income before income taxes” is used as a financial indicator to measure the results of annual groupwide corporate activities. The total amount of the Director’s bonus is determined by multiplying such consolidated income with a given predetermined coefficient that corresponds with the Director’s position. It is also determined through individual assessment based on the degree to which the Director contributes in this role.
Matters including whether a payment is allowed or the total amount of bonus as calculated above, are deliberated during the General Meeting of Shareholders every year.
<Stock-type Compensation Stock Options>
Once a year, stock acquisition rights on Canon Inc.’s shares are granted with the intent of providing an incentive for Directors to further contribute to the improvement of medium- and long-term performance and raising corporate value through sharing the benefits and risks of share price fluctuations with Canon Inc.’s shareholders. The total amount of the stock acquisition rights is within the amount approved at the General Meeting of Shareholders and the number of those stock acquisition rights granted is calculated based on the amount determined by the Director’s position, the consolidated income before income taxes in the previous year, as well as the degree to which the Director has contributed in this role (the amount of monetary compensation claims granted to Directors for the payment in exchange for the stock acquisition rights), and the stock price level at the time of grant. As remuneration is linked to the achievements throughout one’s term in office, Canon Inc. has a system in place that allows the exercising of acquisition rights at the time of retirement.
As for Outside Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members, remuneration is limited to the basic remuneration, which is a fixed amount, paid each month.
Process for Determining Remuneration
Canon Inc., with the aim of ensuring the transparency and objectivity of the remuneration decision-making process as well as the validity of the remuneration system, established the “Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee,” a non-statutory committee, which consists of the CFO, four Independent Outside Directors, and one Independent Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member. The Committee, after examining the rationale of the remuneration system, including calculation standards of the basic remuneration, the bonus and the granting standards of stock-type compensation stock option plan, reports to the Board of Directors to the effect that the system is reasonable.
Decisions regarding the amount and content of remuneration (the amount of basic remuneration and bonus as well as the number of stock-type compensation stock options) of each Director is delegated to the CEO. However, the CEO must make decisions based on the prescribed criteria in accordance with the policy described above and, prior to making a decision, the CEO must present the proposal to the Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee for confirmation.
The total amount of Directors’ basic remuneration and stock-type compensation stock options is within the total remuneration (upper limit) that is approved by the shareholders’ meeting. As for the bonus for Directors, the payment is fixed provided that the proposal about such payment submitted at the ordinary general meeting of shareholders is approved.
Remuneration for individual Audit & Supervisory Board Members is determined through discussion among the Audit & Supervisory Board Members within the limit of the remuneration amount approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders.
Regarding Listed Subsidiaries
Views and Policies on Group Management
The Company, from a group management perspective, conducted a review of listed subsidiaries, which resulted in a reduction of such companies from eight in 2007 to two currently, namely Canon Marketing Japan Inc. and Canon Electronics Inc. The Company believes that if each company in the Canon Group, including these listed subsidiaries, fulfills its social responsibility through corporate activities rooted in Canon’s corporate philosophy of kyosei, and continues to strive to realize kyosei, this will lead to sustainable growth and medium- to long-term improvement in corporate value.
The Company has also formulated a medium- to long-term plan for the Canon Group, the Excellent Global Corporation Plan Phase VI (2021 to 2025), which is shared with each Group company. The Company shares management strategies with listed subsidiaries in order to achieve the goals of Phase VI efficiently and reliably from the perspective of optimizing the Group as a whole. The Company aims to enhance the corporate value of the Group as a whole by maximizing consolidated business results that aggregate stable revenues of Group companies generated based on shared strategies. From the perspective of risk management, the Company is further promoting the sharing of policies and information and the development of systems throughout the Group, including listed subsidiaries, in order to control risks related to compliance, internal control, and economic security, and to carry out activities related to sustainability, such as measures to address decarbonization and global warming, and efforts to respect human rights. On the other hand, from the viewpoint of respecting the interests of minority shareholders of the Company and listed subsidiaries, the Company considers it an important management policy of the Canon Group to continue a system that enables listed subsidiaries to conduct flexible management while maintaining a high degree of independence from the Company. Therefore, the Company does not intervene in the decisions of listed subsidiaries on specific matters.
Significance of Holding Listed Subsidiaries
Canon Marketing Japan Inc., in addition to selling Canon products, carries out its own business such as IT solutions. As for Canon Electronics Inc., in addition to contract manufacturing from the Company, sells its own products and engages in new space-related businesses. Both subsidiaries have Canon-related businesses and their own businesses, and while taking advantage of their strengths as members of the Canon Group, they maintain decision-making and financing methods independent of our Company in order to expand their non-Canon businesses. In addition, they maintain their listing based on the comprehensive judgment that the expansion of business partners through their creditworthiness as listed companies, the securing of excellent human resources, will contribute to the maximization of the Group’s value.
Measures to Ensure the Effectiveness of the Governance System of Listed Subsidiaries
These two subsidiaries operate independently of the Company. In addition, the Company’s officers do not concurrently serve as officers of the two subsidiaries. Both subsidiaries, to improve governance, have established a Nomination and Remuneration Advisory Committee, the majority of which is composed of independent Outside Officers. The Company fully respects the decisions of the committees in the selection and dismissal of Directors and the remuneration determination process.
In addition, in transactions between the Company and the two subsidiaries, the Company endeavors not to unduly harm the interests of respective minority shareholders of the Company and the two subsidiaries by, for example, applying armslength rules from the viewpoint of ensuring the appropriateness of transactions. Canon Marketing Japan Inc. and Canon Electronics Inc. both have special committees that deliberate and review the risks of conflicts of interest between controlling shareholders and minority shareholders and strive to mitigate such risks.