
December 17, 2020
Canon Inc.

Canon requests removal of toner cartridges offered by xianshi yanliangqu canqiubaihuodianshanghang via Amazon

TOKYO, December 17, 2020—Canon announces today that it filed Report Infringement Forms with,, and based on the alleged use of claims 1 and 2 of the German, UK, Italian and Spanish portions of Canon's European Patent EP 1 977 289 ("EP '289") regarding certain models of toner cartridges offered by xianshi yanliangqu canqiubaihuodianshanghang ASINs (Amazon Standard Identification Numbers).

CountryCartridge modelASIN
ItalyCE320A, CE321A, CE322A, CE323A, CC530A, CC531A, CC532A, CC533A, CB540A, CB541A, CB542A, CB543A, CE410A, CE412A, CE413AB0838GL1WL , B07Y7BRB9B, B07Y7C85CK, B07Y7CY76N, B07Y7CGLVL, B07Y7CJL2D, B07Y7C4PVK, B07Y7BXLFB, B07Y7BR67N, B07Y7BX64D, B07Y7C2F66, B07Y7BTZZZ, B07Y7C426L, B07Y7D2G5F, B07Y76PT7T, B07Y7CP8T5, B07Y7CCFY1, B07Y7BZY78, B07PRG8K4V, B07PP64BK9, B07PQBWRVR
GermanyCE410A, CE411A, CE412A, CE413A, CF380A, CF380X, CF381A, CF382A, CF383A, CF210A, CF211A, CF212A, CF213A, CB540A, CB541A, CB542A, CB543A, CC530A, CC531A, CC532A, CC533AB07Y7DCBNC, B083BV1YG3, B083BSRZ5X, B07Y7C6QF9, B07Y5GKVGD, B081XC77XS, B07Y7CF8RZ, B07ZV34DMK, B07Y7BMTZY, B081X39HPW, B07Y7CM5BQ, B07Y7BVNZZ, B07ZV25MHS, B07Y7C6NTJ, B081X4NWZV, B07Y7BZJ7B, B07Y7CQFPC, B07ZV2V1T3, B07Y7C26VC, B081WW66FR, B07Y7C1PC5, B07Y7D2245, B07ZV26PHS, B07Y7DC2Z4, B07Y7BZYHH, B07Y7BX64H, B07Y7CBBJR, B07Y7DRQ6K, B07Y7D16NB, B07Y7C4PVH, B07Y7D4157, B08342QH9B, B07R2FMWN4, B07R1W41JP, B07R3TWZGX, B07QXY69HJ, B07YV6JYFL, B081X6PT9R, B07R3T9YGH, B07R2NC78Q, B07R18YJB9, B07QXZMR1, B07R157MT7, B07YV6QRVP, B081X8F8DX, B07R3C5574, B07R18C1FY, B07QZR51YB, B07R15941Q, B07YV6FBTY, B081X6M3W9, B07R3T6QZQ, B07R3H5DV6, B07QVKHHX5, B07QXZ6H6C, B07QXJR8D4, B07YV6Z819, B081WXTF7C, B07R3FGFCR, B07R3C4XKX, B07PQBD85W, B07PQB6CSX, B07NJ14XVV, B07PQBFBD5 , B07Y7BRB9B, B07Y7D2868, B07Y7C8XRY, B07Y7BZFKX, B07Y7CTDY7, B07Y7CBBJL, B07Y7C85CK, B08332MS15, B083NVRLH6, B07R3YNBY4, B083NW9RSS, B07QXJRT2L, B083NVQJST, B081ZSRLF7, B081WVB4MG, B07ZRNT75Q, B07R3HKVC3, B07QXJP1DS, B081ZS8HCS, B081WT447N, B07ZRPSN62, B07R3XG61F, B07QXJR8SY, B081ZT3PNB, B081XDDTZY, B07ZRQY1D7, B07R3HYPMS, B07QZR5D2M, B081ZSQKK5, B081WY8ZDL, B07ZRNR3TV, B07R3VCV9S, B07QXJQSGL
SpainCB540A, CB541A, CB542A, CB543A, CC530A, CC531A, CC532A, CC533A, CE410A, CE411A, CE412A, CE413AB07PQB4FWW, B07Y7BRB9B, B07Y7C85CK, B07PQCK6D6, B07Y7D7KC7

Afterwards, Amazon took down the respective products. These products are compatible with the OEM HP cartridge models and provide inter alia a non-OEM housing and a non-OEM force receiving device according to claim 1 of EP '289. Furthermore, they comprise an elastic portion according to claim 2 of EP '289.

Filing a Report Infringement Form with Amazon is a service offered by Amazon and doesn't comprise any official finding of validity or infringement of a patent. The decision to take down a product is in the discretion of Amazon and is based on information provided by Canon. Amazon informed the vendor about the takedown and the vendor may object to it.