Current status of new industry-oriented business group structure
Medical Group

CT systems that support more accurate diagnosis and reduced patient burden through higher image quality and lower exposure doses

Our technology helps physicians to more accurately perform diagnosis and implement personalized treatments

Growing need for healthcare

Challenges associated with global delivery of quality healthcare continue to increase. Aging societies and the ongoing fight against diseases are increasing the burden on healthcare workers, all requiring an even stronger focus on health promotion, disease prevention, advanced testing, diagnosis, and treatment. Canon is committed to leveraging companywide expertise to deliver improved healthcare solutions, in partnership with leading academic and medical institutions.

Business development with Canon Medical at the core

Canon is contributing to advanced medical care in the fields of diagnostic imaging, healthcare IT, and in vitro diagnostics. Playing a pivotal role, Canon Medical provides solutions for clinical facilities under the management philosophy "Made for Life", a commitment to contribute to the health and wellbeing of patients everywhere.
Canon's medical group continues to accelerate global business expansion. In the US — one of the largest and most influential healthcare markets - the Medical Group is deepening relationships with leading medical, academic and research institutions worldwide to strengthen existing collaborations already established and under way.

Diagnostic imaging systems create new clinical value

In advanced medicine, diagnostic imaging is indispensable. In CT, MRI, PET-CT,*1 and ultrasound diagnostic imaging systems, Canon employs image noise reduction technology that uses deep learning technology.*2 As well as contributing to early detection of diseases with high-definition images, the burden on patients is reduced by lower exposure dose and shorter examination times. X-ray systems are also actively used in the therapeutic field: for example, for vascular fluoroscopy during surgery.

Deep learning*2 is used to minimize image noise. Our MRI also features quiet examinations.
Diagnostic ultrasound system used for detailed liver examinations at Hyogo Medical University Hospital
  • *1 System that simultaneously acquires CT images for visualizing the anatomy of the organ, and PET images enabled by administration of a radioactive agent to the body.
  • *2 Deep learning is used in the design stage. The system does not have selflearning capabilities.

Healthcare IT reducing the burden on healthcare professionals

In recent years, due to higher image definition and increasing quantities of information, physicians have to spend more time on image interpretation, which is becoming a significant burden. Using a wealth of clinically acquired image data and providing analysis results using AI,*3 Canon simplifies interpretation of strokes, bone metastases, and other diseases. We are also focusing on DX to reduce the burden on healthcare professionals, such as by achieving time-series integrated display of patient diagnostic images, medication history, and daily vital signs such as body temperature and blood pressure.

  • *3 AI technology is used in the design stage. The system does not have selflearning capabilities.
Image interpretation software to support observation of changes to bone over time

In vitro diagnostic systems with high throughput

For in vitro diagnostics, Canon aims to provide total solutions for clinical testing by developing automated biochemical analyzers with high throughput as well as engaging in the diagnostic reagent business. We also developed an in-vitro diagnostic testing systems during the COVID-19 pandemic and other infectious disease outbreaks. We continue to respond quickly to the needs of society.

A point-of-care testing solution, the SARS-CoV Rapid Antigen Test System

Focusing on clinical research for photon counting CT applications

Photon counting CT (PCCT) is expected to be the next-generation CT. Unlike conventional CT, X-ray photons are converted directly to electrical signals, achieving high definition image quality with minimized noise. PCCT is expected to reduce the radiation dose during image scanning; and the capability to identify substances in the body may, for example, support determination of the degree of malignancy of tumors. Canon uses its CT technology and expertise to accelerate the development of PCCT for stable and reliable performance. We are conducting clinical research in collaboration with medical institutions and universities in Japan and overseas for early clinical application of PCCT.

PCCT at the National Cancer Center

Medical Group main products:
CT systems / Diagnostic ultrasound systems / Diagnostic X-ray systems / MRI systems / Clinical chemistry analyzers / Digital radiography systems / Ophthalmic equipment and more

Current status of new industry-oriented business group structure

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