TOKYO, June 1, 2021—Canon Inc. today announced the filing of an infringement report with seeking the removal of listings for certain toner cartridges sold by fhqkd for use in HP laser beam printers.
Canon's infringement report alleged that claim 65 of Mexican Patent Number 317598 was infringed by certain models CC530A, CC531A, CC532A, CC533A, CE410A, CE411A, CE412A, CE413A, CB540A, CB541A, CB542A, CB543A, CE320A, CE321A, CE322A, CE323A, CF210A, CF211A, CF212A and CF213A toner cartridges offered by fhqkd under the Amazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs) B089CPFC5J, B089CQF45K, B08FXQRVB1, B08FXP7JQN, B08BYHMY7R, B08BYFWZ5Q, B08BYF3VWP, B08FXQ5KN8, B08FXPFPHT, B08BYGJRS8, B08FXR2NTD, B08FXPZCPZ, B08BYFTSHS, B08FXQK29C, B08FXQNTT4, B08BYGDH3Y, B08BYF6KCG, B08FXQXV4J, B08FXP66JC, B08BYGCSQD, B08BYFKLG9, B08G161CG2, B089MTNLNF, B089NTSDMQ, B08BP5LFMM, B08BP534CL, B08G14SGGN, B089NTLM9B, B089NVDF49, B08BP6431G, B08BP5C8M9, B08G14DKFJ, B089NTMBLR, B089NV8L4Y, B08BP78W91, B08BP6PLWK, B08G15PDN9, B089NTCXBK, B089NVB2BV, B08BP5FB3V, B08BP6BDWG, B08BP51NGJ, B08G15XLK5, B089NTJ6VQ, B089NV2CLR, B08BP5TQ6H, B089CGSV13, B08BYG4S8G, B08BYG4BWJ, B08BYGN6Z1, B08BYFWSLQ, B089CSWSZ6, B089CR8KH8, B089CWXRQD, B089D75NCG, B08BYF52M2, B08BYG3N7K, B089D3J4QV, B089CZHHGM, B08BYG9TP2, B08BYF85B4, B089CXHR8J, B089CVPD89, B08BYF65D4, B08BYF711B, B089P2DGJS, B089NZQST2, B089P2KBVF, B089NZ6YCB, B089P11YQ8, B089P2GK8F, B089P2CH6N, B089NT3RNJ, B08BYFSQT2, B089NT954V, B089NSQBTY, B08BYG8SBZ, B08BYG99ZD, B089NSV4K3, B089NTK45P, B08BYGB8G4, B08BYG9F8R, B089NSN69W, B089NTW4HV, B08BYFP6SL, B089NV5MNF, B08BYFJH83 and B08BYFGLLY.
After receiving Canon's Report Infringement Form, Amazon removed the respective products, and at the time of this announcement, the above-identified listings of fhqkd were no longer available on
Filing a Report Infringement Form with Amazon is a service offered by Amazon and does not comprise any official finding of validity or infringement of a patent. The decision to take down a product is in the discretion of Amazon and is based on information provided by Canon. Amazon informed the vendor about the takedown and the vendor may object to it.
Canon Inc. is strongly committed to pursuing legal enforcement against those who do not respect Canon's intellectual property rights.