Canon Supplier Code of Conduct

In accordance with our corporate philosophy of kyosei –living and working together for the common good, Canon is aiming to contribute to the realization of the better society as a good corporate citizen.

The responsibilities that society expects corporations to undertake continue to change along with the times. In the field of business as well, with the advancement of globalization the demand from customers and business partners to deal with companies that meet certain criteria in terms of consideration paid to the global environment and society is increasing.

Based on these demands, Canon established the Canon Group CSR Basic Statement in May 2017 in order for stakeholders to understand Canon group's attitude toward fundamental and universal elements of corporate social responsibility. In addition, Canon also established the Canon Supplier CSR Guidelines with the aim of reflecting the attitude to procurement activities and requested its suppliers to understand the guidelines and cooperate in complying with them.

In order to further enhance its corporate social responsibilities in its supply chain, Canon joined the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), a nonprofit coalition that promotes social responsibilities in global supply chain, in 2019. Since the vision, mission and code of conduct of the RBA are consistent with Canon's approach to its procurement activities, Canon determined to adopt the RBA Code of Conduct as a responsible sourcing policy, and renamed the Canon Supplier CSR Guidelines to the Canon Supplier Code of Conduct.

Canon requests its suppliers to understand the intent of the code of conduct and cooperate in the promotion of sustainable procurement activities.

Canon also requests its suppliers that they ask their suppliers for understanding and implementing the code of conduct.

Canon Supplier Code of Conduct (586KB)