Brand Management
Approach/Promotion System
Approach to Brand Management
Canon carefully manages its brand to ensure that customers and society are not adversely affected by improper handling of the Canon logo within the Group or its misuse by third parties.
We pursue brand management activities across the Group based on the concept that building the brand is a collective pursuit in which every Group company is involved in adding value to the brand.

Brand Management System and Rules
Canon has set up the Brand Management Committee as a deliberative body for enhancing the value of the Canon brand. The Brand Management Division was established by Canon Inc. to serve as the secretariat for the Committee and is composed of persons in charge of branding from each division. This framework allows us to respond promptly to various brand issues as they arise.
Information on brand-related issues across the Group is collected nby divisions responsible for branding within each regional sales bheadquarters, which is responsible for overseeing local operations.
The Brand Management Committee provides advice and support regarding the appropriateness of trade names and product names from a brand perspective, as well as use of the trademark Canon. Canon has formulated a set of brand management rules to ensure that its employees use the Canon brand in compliance with regulations and enhance the value of the Canon brand through the trust of customers and society. Moreover, to disseminate this information across the entire Group, we send notifications and publicize changes on our company intranet, as well as brief the brand management divisions of each regional marketing headquarters.