Risk Management
Group-Wide Risk Management Communication
During training for newly appointed Group executives conducted by the Human Resources Division at Canon Inc., participants are educated on the importance of autonomously implementing and maintaining a risk management system at each company, and the role of executives in implementing and maintaining such a system.
Furthermore, at Canon Inc. and Group companies in Japan, we distribute the Canon Group Risk Management Handbook to directors and executives. The handbook explains the significance of risk management, the Group’s risk management system, our approach to implementing risk management and the role of management. When the Human Resources Division conducts training for newly appointed general managers and managers, it uses the handbook to educate them on the importance of risk management and the role of management in constructing the risk management system.
In addition, an intranet website provides employees of Canon Inc. and Group companies with timely information, including our approach to risk management and updates on activities.
Financial Risk Management
Canon Inc.’s internal control over financial reporting is maintained and performed in accordance with the criteria established in Internal Control – Integrated Framework (2013) issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). The Financial Risk Management Subcommittee carries out activities to strengthen internal controls pertaining to financial risks for the entire Canon Group, including compliance with Japan’s Companies Act and Financial Instruments and Exchange Act as well as the United States’ Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
Specifically, we support each Group company to implement independent initiatives and self-driven educational activities, with each company implementing its own PDCA cycle on financial risk-related business procedures to target qualitative improvement in the reliability of the Group’s financial reporting.
As a result of these initiatives, we determined that our internal controls over financial reporting as of December 31, 2023 were effective.
We filed an application for the termination of registration of its ADRs with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in March 2024. Approval of this application would mean the reporting of internal control over financial reporting would be in accordance with the basic control framework as stipulated in the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, rather than COSO standards. Our internal activities aimed at strengthening financial risk management remain unchanged.
Promoting Compliance
The Compliance Subcommittee works to promote corporate ethics across the Group in accordance with the Canon Group Code of Conduct, developing and regularly reviewing the Group’s compliance system. As a result of these initiatives, Canon had another year free from material fines or other sanctions in 2023.
Sections of the Canon Group Code of Conduct (Extract)
Management Stance
- Contribution to Society
Provision of excellent products / Protection of consumers / Preservation of the environment / Social and cultural contributions / Communication - Fair Business Activities
Practice of fair competition / Observance of corporate ethics / Appropriate disclosure of information
Code of Conduct for Executives and Employees
- Compliance with Corporate Ethics and Laws
Fairness and sincerity / Legal compliance in performance of duties / Appropriate interpretation of applicable laws, regulations and company rules - Management of Corporate Assets and Property
Strict management of assets and property / Prohibition against improper use of company assets and property / Protection of the company’s intellectual property rights - Management of Information
Management in compliance with rules / Prohibition against personal use of confidential and proprietary information / Prohibition against insider trading / Prohibition against the unlawful acquisition of confidential or proprietary information pertaining to other companies / Appropriate use of confidential and proprietary information pertaining to other companies - Conflicts of Interests / Separation of Personal and Company Matters
Avoidance of conflicts of interests / Prohibition against seeking, accepting or offering improper gifts, entertainment, or other benefits / Prohibition against acquisition of pre-IPO shares - Maintenance and Improvement of Working Environment
Respect for the individual and prohibition against discrimination / Prohibition against sexual harassment / Prohibition against bringing weapons or drugs to the company workplace
Promoting Corporate Ethics
Canon Group Code of Conduct and Compliance Card
Canon established the Canon Code of Conduct in 1992, and later updated it as the Canon Group Code of Conduct in 2001. It clarifies the management stance of the entire Group and the standards that executives and employees must comply with in their duties. To ensure that its content is understood by executives and employees in countries and regions worldwide, in addition to Japanese, the Code of Conduct has been translated into more than 20 languages, including English, French, and Chinese, and adopted by a resolution of the Board of Directors of each Group company. A copy of the Code is issued to Group executives and employees worldwide and its text is posted on our intranet system as part of further efforts to ensure that it is known and practiced by all.
In addition, a Compliance Card that employees can carry with them has been created in Japanese and more than 20 other languages, including English, French, and Chinese, and given out to Group executives and employees worldwide. Written on one side of the card is the San-ji (Three Selfs) Spirit, which has been a guiding principle since our founding, and on the other side is a compliance test that enables employees to conduct a daily self-evaluation.

Corporate Ethics and Compliance Training
Canon carries out corporate ethics and compliance training for employees suited to the circumstances and conditions of the region where they operate.
For example, Canon Inc. and Group companies in Japan conduct relevant training for executives and employees as part of new recruit training, etc. Additionally, we have since 2004 designated a Compliance Week twice a year—once in the first half of the year and the other in the second half—in order to foster discussions in the workplace about compliance issues. Through these efforts, we strive to develop and improve operational processes to ensure that employees are aware of compliance and abide by the law.
Compliance Hotline System for Internal and External Whistleblowers
Canon Inc. has established a compliance hotline system to handle reports of compliance issues, including violations of laws, bribery and other forms of corruption, and other breaches of the Canon Group Code of Conduct. The confidentiality of informants is strictly maintained and protection against workplace retaliation is guaranteed. We also encourage appropriate use of the system by promoting awareness of it through such means as the intranet compliance website and compliance training. Reports can also be made anonymously. When a report containing a possible compliance violation is received, an investigation is launched to establish the facts and a final decision is made as to whether there is a compliance violation. If a compliance violation is found, the necessary corrective action is taken along with measures to prevent recurrence.
A compliance hotline has also been established at nearly all Group companies worldwide. Canon Inc. receives biannual reports from Group companies on the operational status of their respective compliance hotline systems. These biannual reports from each company include not only the number of cases filed but also a summary of each case, investigation results and responses, and measures to prevent recurrences. Reports made to Canon Inc. and Group companies are analyzed statistically to record the number of completed investigations by type of case, including those where a compliance violation is found. The analysis results are reported on a yearly basis to the Risk Management Committee and fed back to each Group company.
Canon Inc. has also set up a hotline for external stakeholders, which they can use to report specific human rights-related concerns and information in connection with Canon’s corporate activity or other specific concerns relating to various risks in the supply chain. If the investigation conducted into any report received finds there is an issue, the appropriate procedures are implemented to correct any problem and to prevent its recurrence. Due care is taken to protect the privacy of informants and to ensure they do not suffer disadvantageous treatment as a result, including the option of anonymous reporting.
The number of reports received in 2023 by the entire Group with its 169,151 employees was 298, mainly from Asia (including Japan) and the Americas. Of those with an investigation completed as of the end of 2023, compliance violations were confirmed in 43 cases. The reports received in 2023 included no serious compliance violations.
Compliance System
We have identified the significant compliance violation risks that Canon may face in the course of business (for example, violations of antitrust laws, anti-bribery laws and export control regulations) based on an assessment of the likelihood of the risk materializing and the scale of its potential impact on our business. To reduce these risks, we are working to improve the system to ensure legal compliance by improving operational workflows and rules, providing compliance training to applicable employees, and conducting audits and checks.
Strict Compliance with Security Trade Control
Canon implements a security trade control framework headed by the President. The framework ensures that we comply with regulations on the export of goods and technologies that could be diverted for use in weapons of mass destruction or conventional weaponry. Specifically, prior to entering into business we strictly check such issues as whether export goods and technologies are controlled by regulations, or whether counterparties are engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction.
Security Trade Control is insufficient if undertaken by a single country or region. It is important to have international cooperation based on international treaties and export control regime agreements. To provide a unified policy and standard in the field of Security Trade Control, we established the Canon Security Trade Control Guidelines, which is implemented at Group companies worldwide.
In recent years there has been a move to use regulatory frameworks for security trade control in order to restrict the transactions of certain countries, regions, or corporations, mainly for reasons related to competition in the development of advanced technologies, information security, and protection of human rights. As it expands its range of business fields, Canon has also seen an increase in business transactions that require careful attention. We will pay close attention to the international situation and to the latest regulatory trends in our activities to ensure full compliance with Security Trade Control.
Compliance with Antitrust Laws
Canon recognizes that compliance with antitrust laws, which apply to all of its business activities, from product development to production, sales and after-sales service, is absolutely vital.
Business divisions of Canon Inc. and Group companies worldwide with sales and service functions conduct regular training for employees of divisions exposed to the risk of antitrust violations to educate them about antitrust laws, give examples of legal violations, and provide everyday operational compliance guidance. Employees are encouraged to make use of Canon’s antitrust law hotline (connected to the Legal Division) when unsure of how to interpret or apply antitrust laws.
Prevention of Corruption
The Canon Group CSR Basic Statement includes “9. Prevent corruption in all its forms including bribery,” making clear to all stakeholders, both internal and external, the management stance adopted by Canon on bribery and other forms of corruption. In addition, the Canon Group Code of Conduct clearly stipulates that Group executives and employees are prohibited from receiving benefits from business partners and corporate customers in the form of gifts or entertainment, etc., that exceed the social norm, and from providing similar benefits to government agencies, business partners and corporate customers. It also clearly prohibits actions that may cause conflicts of interest or constitute insider trading. In line with the above Basic Statement, we have formulated the Canon Supplier Code of Conduct, which requires our suppliers to refrain from engaging in any form of corruption, including bribery.
Based on the above policy, following identification and assessment of the risks that Canon may face in conducting business, the Risk Management Committee has identified violation of anti-corruption laws as a significant risk. As a countermeasure, corruption risk is assessed based on the country/region and type of business using such references as the Corruption Perceptions Index published by Transparency International, and then depending on such risk, anti-corruption systems are established in accordance with laws and guidelines related to anti-corruption in major countries, such as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) of the United States and the Bribery Act of the United Kingdom. Specifically, for businesses and regions assessed as high risk, each Group company has established a responsible division and has clarified its management stance on anti-corruption and matters to be observed through the formulation of basic policies and company rules on anti-corruption. We are also putting in place systems to prevent corruption among suppliers, intermediaries, and other third parties outside Canon (performance of due diligence and inclusion of an anti-bribery clause in the contract) and conduct annual training for employees engaged in high-risk duties to deepen their understanding of the anti-corruption laws and regulations in major countries and regions. Moreover, we not only conduct audits depending on the risk of corruption but also conduct an annual survey of suppliers as part of our supply chain management to check whether measures are in place to prevent the acceptance of bribes or inappropriate benefits. Finally, the Risk Management Committee undertakes an annual evaluation of the implementation and maintenance of the risk management system, which includes such anti-corruption systems, and reports the results of such evaluations to the CEO and Board of Directors.
Canon Group CSR Basic Statement (147kB) |
Canon Suppliers Code of Conduct (273kB) |
Protecting Personal Information
Based on its Personal Information Protection Policy established in April 2002 as a result of discussion by its Management Committee, Canon Inc. has drawn up and is improving its internal rules for processing of personal information, including its Personal Information Protection Regulation.
Furthermore, the Risk Management Committee has identified risk relating to infringement of personal information protection laws as a significant risk. Accordingly, Group companies worldwide have also introduced regular self-audits and education programs to support the establishment of systems to ensure that personal information is properly acquired and utilized.
Since the enactment of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in May 2018, there have been active moves worldwide to strengthen the regulatory protection of personal information. The year 2020 for instance saw the amendment of Japan’s Act on the Protection of Personal Information and the enactment of the California Consumer Privacy Act in the United States, while in 2021 China enacted its Personal Information Protection Law. Canon will continue to monitor these legislative trends and will address them appropriately.
Promoting Business Risk Management
The Business Risk Management Subcommittee is responsible for identifying significant operational risks in terms of their potential impact and managing them.
Action policies and plans for each identified significant risk are decided in cooperation with the responsible divisions across the Group, and system implementation and risk mitigation activities are promoted through each business division and the responsible division at each Group company.
Ensuring Complete Information Security
Recognizing that information security is a vital management task, Canon has established an appropriate management system for the entire Group, in accordance with the fundamental principles of information security regulations. The steps that we take under this system include measures to prevent leaks of confidential information, handle external cyber-attacks, bolster information security at production facilities, and provide information security training to raise employee awareness.
Moreover, Canon’s information security division has acquired ISO 27001 certification, the international standard for building and operating information security management systems.
Information Security Management System Operations
The Group Executive in charge of the Information & Communication Systems Headquarters is the senior executive in charge of information security at Canon Inc. and has decision-making responsibility for information security measures. The executive oversees the Information & Communication Systems Headquarters, which is the organization responsible for managing information security across the Canon Group.
If an information security incident occurs, the matter must be reported to the Information & Communication Systems Headquarters. It may also be reported to the Risk Management Committee, depending on circumstances.
The Information & Communication Systems Headquarters formulated the Canon Group Information Security Rules to ensure that uniform measures and a consistent approach to information security are applied across the Group, both in Japan and overseas. Each Group company creates regulations and guidelines based on these rules in line with its needs and conducts related training and awareness activities. The status of each Group company’s information security measures is confirmed by means of internal inspections based on a common set of rules as well as through periodic audits by the Information and Communications Systems Headquarters, and improvements or revisions are made as needed.
In 2023, information security audits were again carried out at 23 Group companies in Japan and 27 Group companies overseas.
CSIRT*, a dedicated team for dealing with information security incidents, was created within Canon Inc.’s Information & Communication Systems Headquarters in 2015. At that time, Canon joined the Nippon CSIRT Association (NCA) to strengthen collaboration with CSIRTs in other companies.
- * Computer Security Incident Response Team. This is a dedicated, organized group that deals with incidents involving computer security.
Information System Security Measures
Canon implements measures to safeguard the three elements of information security: confidentiality, integrity, and availability*1.
As part of measures to prevent the leakage of confidential data, we ensure that critical information is stored using a dedicated, access-controlled system with reinforced security and auto-recorded user activity. In addition, we have established an environment in which employees can safely access the company’s information assets from outside the office, and we also carefully manage email attachments as well as the taking of company computers and storage media offsite.
As a measure against cyber-attacks, we use monitoring systems to identify any suspicious emails with possible malware*2 attachments. We also monitor unauthorized online communications from internal sources to try and prevent attacks from causing more widespread damage.
In addition, we have participated each year since 2017 in cyber-attack response training (NISC*3/NCA affiliated cross-field company-wide training), in order to strengthen our system for countering obstructions.
- *1 Confidentiality: Enable only authorized personnel to access information.
Integrity: Ensure data and processing methods are accurate and cannot be modified without authorization.
Availability: Make data accessible to authorized personnel when needed. - *2 Malicious software (including computer viruses and ransomware) created with the deliberate intention of performing unauthorized or harmful operations.
- *3 National center of Incident readiness and Strategy for Cybersecurity.
Security Measures for Production Facilities
Canon implements security measures for its production facilities to ensure malware, cyberattacks or other information security issues do not reduce productive capacity or otherwise disrupt production plans.
In the past, corporate mainframes or online information systems were the major targets for cyberattacks. Today, the growing use of off-the-shelf OS software and IoT means that production facilities attract the same level of information security risk. A separate approach is needed for production systems because production lead-times are longer than the customer support periods for off-the-shelf OS software. To ensure that Canon Inc. and Group manufacturing companies in Japan and overseas do not have to suspend operations due to a virus infection or similar attack, we also monitor the networks linked to important facilities and production lines for any unauthorized activity.
We also conduct security audits of production facilities to maintain a safe production environment.
Information Security Training to Raise Employee Awareness
In order to maintain and improve information security, Canon is focusing on raising awareness among employees who use information systems.
Both regular and mid-career hires are thoroughly trained on Canon’s information security measures and rules through group training. In addition, Canon executives and all employees undergo annual information security training using an online platform.
Every employee of Canon Inc. (roughly 24,000 people) received the information security training in 2023. Course content focused on improving information security literacy*, including recognizing the major threats recently posed by computer viruses and the points to watch when using the Internet or social media. In addition, special training sessions based on a targeted email attack were conducted involving roughly 60,000 Canon Inc. and Group company employees. This was intended to provide practical instruction in how to respond appropriately to suspicious emails and thus avert widespread damage. Specifically, newly hired employees unaccustomed to using email in the work environment received separate training to reinforce their awareness.
- * Knowledge and skills needed to implement proper information security measures.
Business Continuity Plan
Canon’s Headquarters building and core facilities for information systems and research and development are concentrated in suburban areas of Tokyo. As the incidence of earthquakes in Japan is relatively high, it is also at greater risk of earthquake damage than other countries and regions. Canon also has a global network of facilities and offices engaged in research and development, procurement, production, logistics, marketing, and servicing. The occurrence of earthquakes, floods, other natural disasters, or terrorist attacks could cause disruption of the infrastructure for such facilities and offices. Canon believes that establishing a system to ensure that business operations can continue in the event of such a natural disaster or emergency represents one of the most important social responsibilities of any company. Based on this recognition, we have formulated a business continuity plan (BCP)*1 and Canon Group Disaster Preparedness Guidelines, and are taking other measures to ensure business continuity in the event of a disaster. Such measures include putting in place a backup system based on parallel production of similar models at a number of sites, upgrading buildings constructed according to old aseismic design standards, concluding disaster agreements with local communities, and developing systems for collecting information and reporting.
Due to the critical importance of our Shimomaruko headquarters in Tokyo, Japan, as the home base for all Group operations, we have established a crisis control center, installed backup generators, stockpiled fuel, equipment, and supplies, and established a multiplex communication system. Moreover, we set up a Disaster Recovery Center*2 to back up information systems to ensure that the core IT system will operate securely in the event of a large-scale disaster such as an inland earthquake in the Tokyo capital region.
We have updated all Group company facilities in Japan, setting up emergency communications equipment and support structures, and inculcated a sense of readiness in our employees through practical disaster-preparedness training. We also have systems that use data from surveillance cameras installed at each Group site so that any damage caused by natural disasters or other emergencies can be evaluated swiftly. Furthermore, we have prepared a leader’s manual in order to safeguard human life immediately following a natural disaster or fire, prevent secondary disasters, and protect company assets. Using this manual as a model, Group companies are also creating localized manuals based on the unique risks in the areas where they operate to facilitate the smooth restoration of services in the event of a disaster. Last year, 45 operational sites conducted emergency drills based on these manuals.
- *1 An action plan that includes measures to provide for the continuation of a minimal level of business in the event of disaster, accident, or other such event, and to restore operations promptly.
- *2 A facility prepared for data backup in the event of a system breakdown due to a disaster.
Economic Security Initiatives
In recent years, as a reaction to heightened geopolitical risks, there is now a perceived need to check for overdependence on certain countries or regions and other economic security risks. Many countries have placed increasing emphasis on economic security, taking steps for instance to safeguard their lead in cutting-edge technologies, enhance the independence of other important technologies, and mitigate threats to key material supply chains. This trend has also been reflected in legislation. In Japan, the Economic Security Promotion Act was enacted in May 2022.
Canon Inc. has established the Economic Security Office to coordinate the Group’s response to this issue, including gathering, classifying, and analyzing information from within and outside Canon, as well as developing a framework for Group-wide sharing of information to bolster Canon’s ability to mitigate such risks.
Proper Payment of Taxes
Canon believes that, as a multinational corporation with operations spanning the globe, the proper payment of taxes in the countries and regions where it operates is one of its most fundamental and important social responsibilities. Accordingly, Canon Inc.’s Finance & Accounting Headquarters operates an integrated tax management system in accordance with the principles set out below. As a result, Canon did not receive any negative tax-related judgments or assessments in 2023, nor was it subject to any major punitive measures, such as fines.
- Pay taxes properly in accordance with the letter and the spirit of tax-related laws and ordinances without employing tax planning for tax avoidance purposes.
- Ensure that tax accounting and other related processes are carried out unfailingly, according to law.
- Develop tax-related governance systems and work to raise awareness about tax compliance.
- Adhere to common international rules on international taxation (guidelines set by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and the United Nations) and ensure that actions are in compliance with the tax laws of each country.
Corporate Income Taxes
2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | |
Taxes on income before income taxes (hundred million yen) | 561 | 343 | 719 | 924 | 1,063 |
Effective tax rate on income before income taxes (%) | 28.7 | 26.4 | 23.7 | 26.2 | 27.2 |