Human Resource Development and Personal Growth
Developing Globally Minded Personnel
With 347 operational sites* worldwide as of the end of 2023 the globalization of Canon’s operations is proceeding apace. Against this backdrop, we are stepping up training to develop human resources with leadership abilities that can be utilized on the international stage.
- * Number of operational sites includes Canon Inc., consolidated subsidiaries and equity-method affiliates.
Vitalizing Human Resources Through International Assignments
Canon established the Canon Global Assignment Policy (CGAP) as an international assignment system for its Group companies worldwide to stimulate international personnel exchanges, not only from Japan to other countries, but also from other countries to Japan and within the international Canon Group. The goal of this program is to promote global business cooperation and the development of human resources capable of functioning at the global level.
CGAP is an international personnel dispatch policy shared by our Group companies, and personnel assignment policies in each respective country or region are based on it. Combining these policies allows us to promote personnel exchanges and to share basic philosophies and systems, while providing for flexibility in dealing with the special characteristics of each region, such as laws and culture.
For example, in Europe and the United States we have the US/Europe Exchange Program, which enables employees with at least three years of service to participate in a personnel exchange for a period of one year; and, in Asia we have the ASIA CGAP, which is a one-year training program in Europe and the United States for developing executive management candidates from Asia.
As of the end of 2023, a total of 1,073 employees were deployed on international assignments under these programs.
Global Training for Young Employees
In order to help employees acquire language and international business skills, Canon Inc. has established a system to allow employees to gain overseas work experience early in their careers.
In 2020, we launched the Canon Global Marketing & Sales Trainee Program for new employees. With the aim of fostering human resources who will play an active role in Canon’s future global marketing fields, participants spend a year and a half both in Japan and overseas acquiring sales experience and language proficiency.
The Overseas Study Program for Technicians is intended to develop engineers and technicians who can function internationally, as well as enable them to acquire skills that they can use to contribute to Canon’s core businesses in the future. This program began in 1984, and to date, a total of 130 employees have participated in the program, studying at universities abroad. In line with our strategy to improve our R&D system in the United States and Europe, we plan to select several employees each year for overseas study.
Fostering Experts in Various Fields
Development of Human Resources in Engineering
To aid development of next-generation engineering human resources, Canon Inc. has built specialization-specific training set-ups for machinery, electronics, optics, materials, software, and other areas. We have also set up committees to oversee development of human resources across these core specializations. Each committee develops rank-based training programs for personnel from new hires and junior engineers to experienced leaders, as well as conducting courses and implementing other initiatives. We also provide training in some non-core specializations such as analytical technology. In 2023, a total of 6,638 engineers from Group companies in Japan took part in 273 related programs. Since 2021, we have also held online training to build general IT literacy for Canon employees across all job types. In 2023, we augmented this further with DX literacy courses to help build literacy in DX-related areas; 4,000 staff took the course in its inaugural year.
In 2023, to help recognize advanced technical knowledge, we added the “Top Scientist” and “Top Engineer” designations to our HR system. Recipients are selected by a special committee once a year and are recognized as engineers who drive Canon’s technology. This system promises to boost the motivation of engineers and enable them to further contribute to Canon’s business success.
Development of Software Engineers
Canon Inc. set up the Canon Institute of Software Technology (CIST) in 2018 to cultivate software engineers. Programs at CIST provide systematic support for the development of human resources in this area, from upskilling for engineers within product development teams to providing basic training for new recruits and people joining from other occupational fields.
Elsewhere, we have sent 6 people to the “Top SE (system engineer) course” programs hosted by the National Institute of Informatics; and 3 people to the “Smart SE course” business school program organized by Japan’s Waseda University that focuses on AI, IoT and Big Data technologies.

Development of Global Human Resources in Manufacturing
At Canon, we are focusing on developing human resources who support production activities, mainly through the Monozukuri Advancement Center of Canon Inc.
In 2023, 308 employees working at nine overseas production sites took part in a total of 60 online training programs organized by the Monozukuri Advancement Center.
To promote training at overseas production sites, Canon is also focusing on on-site instructor-development training. A total of 66 personnel took part in 20 online training workshops for instructors in 2023. Site-based instructors across the Canon Group provided training to around 4,000 personnel in 2023.
A technical skill testing program, following the same standards as in Japan, has also been established at overseas sites. In 2023, testing was carried out for seven types of work skills, including injection molding, board mounting, and metal stamping, at a total of six sites in Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, etc., with approximately 420 employees participating.
Human Resource Development System
To motivate employees and enhance skill specialization, Canon Inc. maintains an educational system for rank-based, elective, and self-development training that is in principle open to all employees.
Rank-based training is carried out to help employees more readily understand and fulfill their respective roles and to foster awareness of the actions and behaviors defined by Canon’s guiding principles. We also supplement this with elective training that includes e-learning programs and other programs.
On average, Canon Inc. employees spent about 23 hours on average in training in 2023. Related training costs per employee amounted to approximately ¥165,000 at Canon Inc., and about ¥93,000 at major Canon Group companies in Japan and overseas marketing companies.
Average Training Hours per Employee (Data Summary)
Average Training Costs per Employee (Data Summary)
Canon Inc.’s Human Resource Development System

- CGMST: Canon Global Marketing & Sales Trainee
- CIST: Canon Institute of Software Technology
Managerial Development
For the development of management personnel, we operate the Canon Management School and the Canon Leadership Development (LEAD) Program. The Canon Management School, aimed at division managers and general managers, is designed to develop top-class management leaders. Led by our CEO, the school invites as instructors experts from such fields as politics, foreign diplomacy, economics, and science and technology. The program has produced many of our Group executives. The LEAD Program is designed to help candidates switch to a management-oriented mindset and develop their leadership abilities while also reinforcing strategy planning and execution capabilities. It provides training prior to and after appointments to management positions, as well as assessments prior to appointments. Our goal is to further reinforce efforts to systematically cultivate the next generation at Canon, concentrating on the development of management personnel as well as personnel for global, technological, and manufacturing roles. These training programs cover such issues as harassment prevention and compliance.
Canon Inc.’s Career Development Support Programs
Regular Performance and Career Reviews
Since we evaluate the conduct and performance of every employee under our position-based pay system, supervisors have meetings with all their team members individually three times a year—at the start, midpoint, and end—to confirm duties and targets, monitor progress, and discuss future career development based on a “career sheet” filled out by the employee.
When discussing the evaluation, supervisors offer advice and guidance on improving results and work performance. This enables employees to objectively understand their own strengths and weaknesses, which aids them in achieving further growth. Supervisors also use this information in future development plans for the employee.
Career Matching System
Canon Inc. has also established an internal career matching system to support its employees in pursuing satisfying careers. The system matches the right people to the right jobs, promotes internal mobility of human resources, and brings greater vitality to the company.
We also provide a trainee-style career matching system featuring a combination of training and internal recruitment. Employees who wish to take on new work challenges in a field where they have no experience can receive training opportunities to gain requisite skills, and then take up a position based on their skill level. In 2023, a total of 304 moved jobs via our internal recruitment system.
Comment from a Trainee-Style Career Matching System User
After joining the company on the administrative staff, I was responsible for promoting sales of photobook production services. Collaborating with the development department made me realize that I wanted to gain technical knowledge and get involved in development, so I requested to switch job types, even though I had no experience. In the training, participants focused on learning the basics of software development by doing mock development in teams. I’m currently in charge of developing applications related to imaging and photography. Going forward, I would love to draw on my previous experience to become a developer who can use technology to resolve sales issues. To me, this kind of environment, that allowed me to dive into a field I wanted to take on, felt like a really appealing part of this company.

Canon Inc.
Imaging Business Operations
Career Development Support for Young Employees
At Canon Inc., discussions are organized by the Human Resources Division for all employees after working for three years to review the suitability of their job and working environment and provide peace of mind and help them fulfill their potential.
In 2022, we introduced a training program for young employees in their third year with the company that includes group work and discussions with a career counselor. The program aims to build awareness and motivation for career development. A total of 289 employees attended this training program in 2023.
Post-Retirement Career and Life-plan Training
Canon holds Creative Life Seminars for employees when they reach the ages of 50 and 54 in order to help them plan for their retirement years. By providing employees with an opportunity to think about their life plan and career plan at an early stage, we help them to systematically plan and prepare for life after the age of 60.
Supporting Organizational Invigoration
Canon aims to realize individual and organizational growth at the same time as achieving success in business. To this end, we have established a dedicated division for organizational development, which supports organizational invigoration through consulting on increasingly diverse organizational challenges, post-activity support, and rank-specific training. As of 2023, the division has provided support to 468 divisions and 16,500 employees, including Group companies worldwide.
Other Career Development Support
To offer a more diverse range of learning opportunities and support the career development of self-motivated employees, we are developing e-learning content.
In 2023, around 8,000 employees participated in these programs.
Various Certification and Award Programs
Canon has established certification and award programs to honor Group employees for their outstanding achievements.
At the Canon Summit Awards, Canon honors Group companies, divisions, teams, and individual employees who have made a major contribution to the development of the company in terms of activities or products. Canon recognizes employees with numerous other accolades: the Invention Award for employees who make inventions and contribute to intellectual property activities; the Quality Award and the Production Innovation Award for excellence that contributes to improvements in quality and productivity; the Canon Meister Certification/Commendation for contributions to advancements in manufacturing using a wide range of skills; the Canon Master Craftsman certification for outstanding skills that Canon should pass down; and the Environment Award for excellent environmental practice.