Product Responsibility
Quality Management
Approach to Quality
In 1964, Canon determined that its basic quality concept* is to ensure that customers have “no claims, no trouble,” and has since striven to earn the trust and heartfelt satisfaction of customers around the world by providing products of surpassing quality. Based on this mindset, the Canon Group’s firm commitment is to adhere to the Canon Quality motto that incorporates the three keywords “Safety + Smartness + Satisfaction”—the elements we view as essential to product quality. We are dedicated to improving the quality of products over their lifecycles.
- * “To contribute to the growth of the company and prosperity of the world, with the realization of ‘no claims, no trouble’ as our goal, based upon the company’s corporate philosophy and aims.” (Canon Quality Assurance Basic Regulations, Article 2)

Quality Assurance System
At Canon, we have developed an in-house quality management system that we follow assiduously.
The system has three defining characteristics, as outlined below.
Fulfills all the requirements of the international quality assurance standard ISO 9001*1
Incorporates the concept of “substantial safety*2” as standard for quality management
Introduces a framework for checking quality in product commercialization processes to ensure reliable product safety standards*3
Using our in-house quality management system as a base, the various Headquarters divisions at Canon Inc. implement rigorous quality control by building quality assurance (QA) systems that are optimized for the characteristics of each business, as well as in compliance with the legal and regulatory standards of each country and region.
Supplementing the vertically integrated activities of each business division to solve division-specific quality issues, we have formed two committees to focus on improving quality at each of the product development and production stages as part of efforts to coordinate QA activities across the Canon Group. Sharing best QA practices across the company has not only enabled us to increase quality at each stage of development and production but has also led to significant reductions in waste and costs.
- *1 The in-house regulations governing Canon’s quality management system are recognized by the International Register of Certificated Auditors (IRCA) as an alternative standard to ISO 9001.
- *2 This means safety not only in terms of what is required by laws and statutes, but also any safety issue that can reasonably be expected to arise during customer use even if not regulated or mandated by law.
- *3 This involves setting QA standards that must be satisfied for each of the stages in the development of Canon products from development and design to production and shipping. At each checkpoint along the development path, the QA framework requires a decision on whether the QA standard is satisfied to ensure rigorous control of product quality.
Education and Raising Quality Awareness
Canon employs a range of measures to instill high employee awareness of the need to maintain outstanding quality and attain further quality improvements, and to help employees gain related knowledge.
We continually communicate our basic concept and motto on quality, while also conducting annual Groupwide surveys of employees to ascertain the degree of quality awareness. Canon Inc. has designated November as Quality Month, and each year in November holds the Quality Fair and Quality Awards to raise quality awareness and recognize exceptional activities that have improved quality.
In addition, we provide online educational courses on quality for all employees and have developed a tiered training curriculum for Group companies in Japan and abroad. Alongside this, we have training programs customized to the specific circumstances and issues of each division, and we also conduct on-site training at production sites.
We focus particular attention on product safety training, conducting a wide range of specialized programs in areas such as product safety regulations and substantial safety technology, as well as product safety orientations for new staff. In 2023, besides holding 7 training courses, we provided a set of four online lectures on safety regulations for products and chemicals, designed for access through the year by Canon Group employees with responsibilities in related areas.
Canon Inc. conducts e-learning activities to promote thorough understanding of the Voluntary Action Plan for Product Safety on an ongoing basis. In addition, we continually provide safety information, such as safety cautions when making repairs or exchanging parts, to Group companies involved with product sales, repair, and service.