Medium-term Environmental Targets

Medium-term Environmental Targets (Three-year Plan)

With a view to what we aim for in 2050 and 2030, we set Medium-term Environmental Targets in line with our three-year management plan, and we review the targets each year.

Canon sought a single integrated indicator to measure the progress achieved across all environmentrelated activities, from energy and resource conservation to recycling, and to also highlight the efficiency of these activities in terms of achieving a beneficial balance with business activities. We therefore established the index of lifecycle CO2 emissions per product unit, and set an overall target of achieving a 3% average annual improvement in the index as part of the Canon Group Medium-term Environmental Targets.

This overall target is subdivided into a product target and an operational site target. The product target is set at a 3% average annual improvement in the index of CO2 emissions per product unit associated with raw materials and product utilization. The operational site target includes target figures for reduction per basic unit in energy consumption, total waste emissions, water consumption and controlled chemical substance emissions. In this way, we will make continuous progress toward meeting our overall target.

Medium-term Environmental Targets