Sales by Geographic Area (Quarterly)

Last Updated: July 25, 2024

Quarterly Sales by Geographic Area (Consolidated)

Quarterly Sales by Geographic Area(Consolidated)
(Billions of yen)
2023-2Q 2023-3Q 2023-4Q 2024-1Q 2024-2Q
Japan 210.4 213.4 249.0 240.1 240.3
Americas 321.4 328.0 367.9 304.1 373.5
Europe 265.8 270.5 321.0 251.0 304.9
Asia and Oceania 223.3 213.3 225.8 193.3 249.1
Total 1,020.9 1,025.2 1,163.7 988.5 1167.8