Sales by Business Unit

*2024 P = 2024 Projection
Last Updated: July 25, 2024

Sales by Business Unit (Consolidated)

Sales by Business Unit (Consolidated)
(Billions of yen)
Net Sales Sales Composition
2023 2024P 2023 2024P
Printing 2,346.1 2,570.2 56% 56%
Medical 553.8 594.6 13% 13%
Imaging 861.6 973.9 21% 21%
Industrial 314.7 355.6 8% 8%
Others & Corporate 208.8 203.4 5% 4%
Eliminations -104.0 -97.7 -3% -2%
Total 4,181.0 4,600.0 100% 100%
  • *From 2024, some reclassification between Others & Corporate and Elimination was made to manage the performance of reportable segments more appropriately. The figures for 2023 were also reclassified.