Sales by Business Unit(Quarterly)

Last Updated: July 25, 2024

Quarterly Sales by Business Unit (Consolidated)

Quarterly Sales by Business Unit (Consolidated)
(Billions of yen)
2023-2Q 2023-3Q 2023-4Q 2024-1Q 2024-2Q
Printing 574.9 570.4 642.6 580.3 654.5
Medical 126.1 132.4 164.2 134.2 141.0
Imaging 219.2 220.7 229.3 175.5 244.7
Industrial 74.9 78.8 99.0 68.5 94.5
Others & Corporate 51.1 49.8 52.5 55.1 59.9
Eliminations -25.3 -26.9 -23.9 -25.1 -26.8
Total 1,020.9 1,025.2 1,163.7 988.5 1,167.8
  • *From the first quarter of 2024, some reclassification between Others & Corporate and Eliminations was made to manage the performance of reportable segments more appropriately. The figures for 2023 were also reclassified.